_______________________________________________________________Get For a copy of 'Sarafina's Wish' now. Look below to see how.
KUDOS JABORA, ELDRIDGE AND SARAH! We congradulate you on
graduating from high school a year early and embarking upon your goals with your collegiate entrance,2008! The 'I Have
A Dream Foundation' makes a difference!
Gas prices are ridiculous!
Cannon's Encarta
Penury - extreme poverty
Desultory - aimlessly passing from one thing to another
Kindred Spirit - somebody like you in character
PARENTS YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR DAUGHTER'S SELF ESTEEM: Spend time with her. Help her develop an inner applause. Listen to your daughter. Focus on helping
her identity and signature strength. Teach her skills that will enable her to develop healthy relationships. Direct her about
healthy ways to handle stress. Tell her how to challenge negative thoughts about herself. Educate her about the psychological
side to puberty and sex.Mentor her in developing a personal vision for herself and guide her in developing the skills to turn
that vision into reality...
Congratulations IHAD Group #2. We raised $275.00 for the National
Kidney Foundation! A special thanks to those who participated in the Kidney Walk...
Ms. Cannon, Raynal, Jonathon, and Mr. Philord.
The College "Out of Town" Tour was a success! We embarked
upon Florida State University, FAMU, University of South and Central Florida Universities.
We also attended the College Fair at the Sheraton
Mart Hotel. There were over 100 colleges represented!
ACT and SAT are very important tests! They are your gateway
into a higher education. Please prepare, take and master these two exams. Begin taking them your junior year!
The top college programs are Buisness, Criminal Justice, Legal, Health Care,
Science, Web Design, MBA, Nursing, MBA and IT.
$$$ Did you know that the average credit score is 692?
5 Reasons to get your credit report are: 1. To make sure mistakes aren't hurting your credit. 2.
Track history of payments. 3. Protect against possible identity theft. 4. Keep inquiries to a minimum 5.
Stay on top your credit.
President Barak Obama has a vision for change.
Are you concerned about your weight and it's affect on
your health? Well, you should be because studies indicate that the quality of our food supply has rapidly declined in
the last two decades in the pursuit of profit by the major food manufactures. High-fructose corn syrup and chemical
sweetners have replaced sugar, which is not the best either but not as bad as the others. Hydrogenated and other
toxic disease inducing oils are added to food instead of standard butter or oils. To add to that the dairy supply and
animal protein is loaded with growth hormones, pesticides and antibiotics. Our health has been comprised for big industry
monetary gain. Watch what you eat or watch it eat you.
Mentors are urged for black males-Council of the Social Status of Black men and boys...Studies of the State Department of Education show that more than 50% of Black
boys in elementary performed below grade level in reading and math on FCAT. In grades 6-8 the figures are 65%...From
2005-06 there were 29,000 Black boys in state custody and almost one in four Blacks
live below the federal poverty level.
Crime in our communities across the map is increasing, especially in the urban areas.
Put the guns down! Pick the books up! Seek resolution instead of retaliation! Stop the killing!
Who do think is mostly responsible for the loss of young, black male life, the police
or young black males?
Teenagers + Drugs + Alcohol= Deadly Mix
Parental Control on your PC can protect your child from danger and inappropriate online content.
Dreamers and Friends, learn to settle your differences (Beefs) without physical violence.
There is a solution to every problem and it does not lie in guns or fists it lies in your power to overcome adversity in a
mature, safe manner. One in which you don't end up on a R.I.P T-Shirt.
Thank you Dreamers and parents who attended the first Dreamer Corporate meeting at Mellon Bank!
It was a great success. Special thanks to Dreamer hosts, Shanteria, Shaneka, Jonathon, Lamar, Tykara, Bryon and Charnise,
Miami Dade's Mr. Gilberto Amador, State Representative Candidate Dr. Robert Malone, and Warm Spirits.
There is a online test preperation program called Test Gear for SAT. Test prep programs
helps students prepare with over 60 hours of coursework. You can complete the entire program or the parts where you
need the most practice.
Health News, Tips & Meal Ideas below.
Dreamers send me your MySpace addresses. Don't worry I've seen it ALL... It is another
way for me to communicate Dreamer news to you. Ms. Cannon
President Bush signed this act into law on Jan. 8, 2002. The
law is supposed to help schools improve by focusing on accountability...Supporters believe that it is a tool for imporving
education and moving toward educational equality for students of all racial, economic backgrounds. The law requires
that schools meet certain goals largely based on test scores like FCAT. FCAT has failed tens of thousands of Florida's
children! This law should be revamped because it is too reliant on standardized tests and too punitive for schools with
low and poor test scores. In fact, it encourages schools and teachers to focus on and teach skills that are not very
useful to students and their future careers. FCAT has failed and deserves it's F.
Parents, now is the time to visit your Dreamer's CAP Advisor at
his/her school. Please schedule an appointment for an in person or telephone session. Time is waiting for no one!
Part of becoming a teen is developing your own identity. It's usually seperate from the identity of
your parents and can cause chaos... It takes time for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles... Teens, parents
are intent on protecting and keeping you safe. Parents, teens create their own opinions, thoughts and value about life.
Find common ground.
Music, derogatory profane language, racial slurs, baggy pants, a slacker
attitude, violence, etc. is causing concern beyond urban neighborhoods.
It's SAT/ACT prep time. Please re-take FCAT everytime
it's offered if you've failed. You can only get better with practice.
Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership teaches parents how to set
boundaries and reinforce healthy messages, in order to help kids grow up safe, healthy and drug free.
Beginning next school year, Florida parents and the public will beTop ten internet acronyms parents should know:
POS - Parent over shoulder PIR- Parent in room P911-Parent
alert PAW/PAL-Parents are watching/listening 420-Marijuana ASL-Age, Sex, Location- LMIRL-Let's meet
in real life ADR-Adress KPC-Keeping parents clueless KFY-Kiss for you
Parents read 'Monitor School Day' article in the Miami Herald 1/26/07 (26A). The article can
also be found in the Miami Times.
Consider these things when choosing a college: location, cost, academic programs, campus life,
diverstiy, size of student body and graduation rates.
Miami Dade County Public Schools important contact information: Attendance Services (305)
883-5323 College Assistance Program (305) 995-1743 Dial A Teacher (305)995-1600 Drop Out Prevention(305)
995-1737 Parent Participation (305)995-2680 Region II (305)624-8802 Region III (305) 883-0403 Region
IV (305) 642-7555 School Police (305) 757-7708 Take Stock In Children (Mentor Placement) (305) 995-121
Do you think you're ready to be a teenage parent? Click
Teen Inspiration to find out why you're not!
FLORIDA has a very dismal rate of high school graduates in fact over 13,000 students in
Miami-Dade and Broward County schools dropped out last year.
Parents your Dreamer is on a 4-year / 24 Credit Standard High School Diploma Plan.
You can track his/her progress through High School Academic Evaluations. The state graduation requirements are as follows;
24 credits, 2.0 minimum GPA and passing scores on FCAT OR the approved equivalent minimun SAT or ACT score.
Parents the Miami-Dade County School Board's Parent Academy is very resourceful!
Dreamers make informed choices about your education. It's Florida's official online advising
system. It's a great tool! click on Newsletter (College Connection) to find out how you can plan and track
your educational success.
The Talented Twenty Program and Bright Futures want you! They are guarantees to admission and financial
assistance in college.
Dreamers remember that it is very important
that you maintain at least a GPA of at least a 2.0 to keep your scholarship from being in jeopardy!
Book News - Click SARAFINA for the inspirational, powerful
story of a young African girl whose been sold into modern day slavery (Human Trafficking) and becomes
the modern day Harriet Tubman through perserverance, courage and determination. Coming to your school and libraries
soon. It has been chosen JBJ's book club's and Jose De Diego Middle School's book of the month, Available
on at Barnes & Noble stores and Amazon.com